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Lets face it: in the future Asia will have an ever increasing impact on what happens in our economy and in our lives. 

That is why I have asked Leonardo Gon https://www.facebook.com/leonardo.gon who travels for professional reasons all over Asia to describe what goes on over there with a slant on people and on motivation of personnel. Follows his introduction: 

Hello! Let me introduce myself ! My name is Leonardo Gon, I'm an Italian working for a Dutch company designing and producing pipe and profile cutting machines, living in China with my family and running from Japan to Australia as a regional sales manager.

So, it's an interesting and challenging combination to see different Asian countries in the real working life!

Asia is made of barracks and bullet trains, buildings of 30 floors and endless landscapes of nothing. Difficult to understand everything as well as to tell. But this is what I will try to let you be involved.

As Paolo asked me, I'll be happy to share with you my views on what I'm learning and discovering on this side of the world!

Leonardo Gon 

Stay tuned for info on what goes on in Asia and what are the best practices to deal with personnel in the various areas of such big and diverse continent. 

Paolo Ruggeri
