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Employee motivation is essential in the workplace. Highly motivated employees are committed to their work and perform better which eventually results in improved productivity and increased business. 

This begs the question of how to motivate employees and get the best out of them. There are numerous ways through which employers can get their employees motivated. 

Managers just need to follow these simple steps in order to achieve success: 

Effective Communication 

Maintaining good communication with your employees is essential; a manager must share information on a regular basis and try to keep the employees involved. 

They must know the progress the company is making or the aim and objective of the project they are working on. 


Whenever your employees achieve something or complete a project, you must appreciate and recognize their work. This gives them self confidence and belief, making them more likely to work harder in the future and deliver better results. 


Employees are encouraged by advice or coaching sessions given to them by their seniors. Managers with years of experience can impart knowledge, share experiences and guide employees. This will go a long way towards their development and will be a morale booster. 

Career Path 

You will be surprised to know that a lot of people aren’t just motivated by money, but instead it takes a lot more to get them fully motivated. Employers need to define a career path so that employees know where they will be in a few years time; a well defined career path hints towards potential opportunities for growth and this makes it a crucial factor in employee motivation. 

Self Esteem 

Respecting an employee’s work ethic and giving him/her a suitable job title will encourage them. It will make them feel important in social settings and give them a proud feeling about the work they do. 

Working Environment 

The work place should carry a positive vibe. Firstly, it should be neat and clean and secondly it should have an environment where people build their relationships on mutual trust and respect. No one must feel undermined by unnecessary pressure from others. 


A well motivated workforce is the sign of progress, a motivated worker is likely to perform better and as a result benefit the company.

For more information read the e-book THE NEW LEADERS available here: 



or order the hard copy info@paoloruggeri.net 
